Solve puzzles while trying to maintain your sanity in an ever-changing environment. 

CONTROLS: LEFT and RIGHT arrow to turn. Left click to interact. ESC to pause.

Pendulum - Northeastern University Game Studio Club Escape Room Teams Submission for the Ludum Dare 51

Jordan Brown - Level and Game Design 

Joe Turco - Sound Design and Art 

June T. - Art 

Brendan Brassil - Programming 

Madhav Kapa - Programming 

Sebastian Kobori - Programming 

Frame Paintings: DALL·E 2


Pendulum v1.02 125 MB
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Another game with no screenshots, do you want to people play your game ??

The graphics is ok, look like hand painted, it's simple and I like that. 

No music, too bad, and the tic tac sound is annoying ...

So, I'm mixed about the game, it bored me to click on things and nothing happened (the lamp, the drawers, etc...) at the end you just randomly click on the screen... 

There are some bugs (you can see the photo without find it, sometimes the cup/pillow return to their original state.).

Finally I don't understand the puzzle ... I just find 3 digit that I try in different order on the clock... yeah... fun ....

Thank for sharing, but it need some more work...